Sunday, September 6, 2015

Let's Try This Again!

As you can see from my previous post, it has been literally YEARS since I have added anything to this blog. Well, life has slowed down somewhat for me: my daughter was married a year ago and has moved back to the Motherland (Maine) so it's just "The Hubs" and I now and my little business "KnittingsMyBag".  With more time to devote to the business, I'm getting back into the things that can help it grow.  Here are some things that I've been cooking up for my blog followers:
  • Secret Coupon Codes
  • Blog readers will be the first to "sneak peek" new products (and even some deep discounts to be the first to try out some prototypes)
  • Frequent Purchaser Program (I've got to find a better name for it)
  • Giveaways (from KnittingsMyBag)
  • Giveaways (from some of my favorite vendors)
  • Meet Ups (for knitters who are in my area; both in California and in Maine)
  • Knit-a-longs
Those are just some of the things I've come up with.  I'm hoping that as we get more followers, more ideas will float to the surface. For the first few weeks, I'm going to concentrate on writing better posts and spread the word about being back in the blogging world.  If you are a fan of KnittingsMyBag, help me out by sharing this info with your friends from the knitting/crocheting world. 

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